Web Design

Web design is specifically the look and feel of your website. Web design is the process of planning and building the elements of your website including color, typography, layout, icons, use of imagery and video. Without web design, websites could function correctly but they would be hard to navigate and understand. You want users to feel confident and excited on your website, not confused or frustrated. Spending time on design elements and the website layout ensures that users connect to your brand, understand how to use your website and successfully take the actions you want them to (purchasing products, submitting an inquiry, etc.).

Read More About Web Design Here

Web Development

Web development creates the functionality of the website. Web design is how the website *looks*, web development is how it *works*. The first goal of the development process is to create a website that is pixel-perfect to the designs you approved. The second goal is for the website to be easy to update by you and your team via a user-friendly CMS like Wordpress, Drupal or Shopify. The third goal is for the website functionality to be correct and superior through successfully setting up necessary third party solutions and integrations and optimizing the website performance for fast load times, cross-browser compatibility, SEO and more.

Read More About Web Development Here

Wordpress Development

Wordpress is a content management system (CMS) that allows me to create a custom website for you in expedited timeframe and allows you to update and manage your website independently without knowing how to code. Wordpress is the most popular CMS and for many clients it is my preferred platform to build websites on. I love Wordpress because it is open source and allows me to make all of the advanced customizations I want to make, but it also offers a user-friendly admin for my clients to make quick updates and changes to their website. I know Wordpress in and out, and I can guide you (and your team) on how to make it work specifically for your business.

Read More About Wordpress Development Here

Shopify Development

Shopify is a premium content management system (CMS) that specializes in ecommerce. If the primary goal of your website is to sell products, I will likely recommend Shopify for you. That’s because there are many additional digital services are required to run an online store versus a more basic, static website. An ecommerce site needs a functioning checkout, shipping & delivery, inventory system, order fulfillment and more. Shopify offers all of the backend solutions to help you run your online store from presentation to fulfillment. I specialize in custom Shopify development. I not only setup Shopify stores, but I also customize them to fit your store’s specific needs.

Read More About Shopify Development Here

Drupal Development

Drupal is a CMS that is powerful and effective. It has a steep learning curve and sometimes it can be hard to find a Drupal developer for a project. Luckily I have been developing custom Drupal websites for years!I am particularly impressed with Drupal’s approach to content types, views and taxonomies. You can create a view in minutes on Drupal that would require a complex PHP function in Wordpress. Drupal is best suited for large websites that need to synthesize information in a variety of ways.

Read More About Drupal Development Here

Advanced Email Marketing

One of the best ways to connect with your site visitors and customers is through email. Email marketing provides one of the highest ROIs in digital marketing and every business should have an email marketing strategy. I help clients integrate their email marketing services with their website through pop-ups, sign up forms, checkboxes at checkout and other user actions. I also create advanced segmentation and automation for email marketing that can drive customer engagement and sales.

Read More About Advanced Email Marketing Here

Training and Documentation

I build my websites to be used! I want my clients to feel confident about updating and managing their website independently. For those that want to handle website management in-house, I provide virtual training and written documentation. I provide CMS training for Wordpress, Shopify and Drupal, email marketing training for newsletter creation, advanced ecom dmerce training and "best practices" training for site performance, accessibility, SEO and more.

Read More About Training and Documentation Here

Site Performance

Site performance is how quickly a browser is able to load your website. Fast websites typically see higher traffic and better conversion rates, while slower websites typically drive users away. I optimize websites to load fast through choosing an optimal hosting plan for you, setting up the website to load files efficiently, using CDN to serve assets faster, using site caching and more.

Read More About Site Performance Here

Website Accessibility

Website accessibility means that everyone, including those with disabilities, can successfully access your website and get all the necessary information from your website. Since the internet is public, it is considered a legal requirement that your website be accessible to disabled people (as part of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act). Website accessibility lawsuits are on the rise, so it’s very important to make sure that your website meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Read More About Website Accessibility Here

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